Function outputting a plot of confidence interval around a correlation for a range of sample sizes
Function outputting a plot of confidence interval around a correlation for a range of sample sizes
- corr
numeric: Pearson correlation
- minN
numeric: the smallest n for which you want the CI
- maxN
numeric: the largest n for which you want the CI
- step
numeric: the step by which you want n to increment (default is 1), with minN and maxN should give no more than 200 values of n
- conf
numeric: the confidence interval you want, defaults to .95
- minY
numeric: if you want to set the y axis limits input a number greater than -1 here
- maxY
numeric: if you want to set the y axis limits input a number smaller than 1 here
This is another function like plotBinconf
which plots the width of confidence
intervals (CIs) for a range of sample/dataset sizes.
History/development log
Version 1: 5.iv.21 Version 2: 25.xi.23 Renamed to plotCIPearson to allow for addition of plotCISpearman soon.
See also
Other confidence interval functions:
Other demonstration functions:
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
### simple example for observed 95% confidence interval (CI) around observed correlation of .7
### for sample sizes between 10 and 100
plotCIPearson(.7, 10, 100)
### similar but for dataset sizes between 10 and 500 by steps of 5
plotCIPearson(.7, 10, 500, 5)
### similar but asking for 99% CI
plotCIPearson(.7, 10, 500, 5, conf = .99)
### similar but setting lower y axis limit to -1
plotCIPearson(.7, 10, 500, 5, conf = .99, minY = -1)
### and you can set the upper y limit, observed R = 0 for a change
plotCIPearson(0, 10, 500, 5, conf = .99, minY = -1, maxY = 1)
### same but exporting to tmpPlot and then changing plot
plotCIPearson(0, 10, 500, 5, conf = .99, minY = -1, maxY = 1) -> tmpPlot
tmpPlot +
ggtitle("95% CI around observed Pearson correlation of zero for n from 10 to 500") +
} # }