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Gets the two-sided p value for the difference between two independent Cronbach alpha values


getPdiff2alphas(alpha1, alpha2, k, n1, n2)



first Cronbach alpha (order is irrelevant)


other Cronbach alpha value


number of items (assumed same for both values)


first sample size (match to the alpha)


other sample size


numeric: two-sided p value for difference


This function provides a conventional null hypothesis significance test (NHST) of the null hypothesis that two Cronbach alpha values from independent datasets are so different that it is unlikely, given the numbers of items and the two dataset sizes that you would have seen differences as large or larger than you did on the null hypothesis that the alpha values in the population(s) are the same.

I am very much against the overuse of the NHST in our fields but here I think it is useful (whereas reporting that a Cronbach alpha is statistically different from zero is really pretty meaningless).

Whereas testing that the population item correlation structure is unlikely to have been purely random strikes me as useless when we are exploring the psychometric properties of measures, rejecting the null of no differences in the alpha values from the same measure in two different samples is a bit more useful.

If you have raw data from two datasets I would recommend getting the bootstrap confidence interval (CI) around your observed alpha values as a more robust and sensibly descriptive/estimation approach. The getBootCIalpha will get for you. The current vogue if you have raw data is to jump to fancy things like testing for "measurement invariance" in the confirmatory factor analytic (CFA) framework and that's fine where measures really do fit the CFA model but for most therapy measures that fit is very dubious and looking at alpha values is a solid place to start.

The maths comes from a 1969 paper by Feldt feldt_test_1969CECPfuns and is based on the assumption that the population distributions (i.e. of the item scores) are all Gaussian. I've used the more complicated derivation of the p value from Feldt's paper as his simpler version is not robust for short measures. I suspect that the computations are fairly robust to non-Gaussian distributions but I haven't explored that. I have simulated things to show that it gets accurate p values for Gaussian null populations.

Of course like all such NHST the other (non-distribution) assumptions are

  • infinite populations (probably not a real problem)

  • genuinely independent "samples"/datasets (should be fine)

  • genuinely independent observations (watch for nesting)

  • random sampling (almost certainly violated)

  • as ever, if you have huge datasets even tiny differences will be come out as statistically significant and if you have small datasets even quite large differences will not be statistically significant. So be honest about any of these issues if reporting p values (any, not just from this function!)

The maths allows for different numbers of items in the two datasets but I haven't implemented that as I think that if you are comparing measures that differ in length you are probably outside the realm in which the NHST paradigm is helpful.

History/development log

Created 12.xi.24 based on earlier SAS and S+ versions



Chris Evans


getPdiff2alphas(.7, .7, 8, 200, 150)
#> [1] 0.5023525
### should return 0.5023525: not a significant difference (doh!)

getPdiff2alphas(.7, .8, 8, 200, 150)
#> [1] 0.007314514
### should return 0.007314514 showing that it is unlikely at p < 05
### that that difference between those alpha levels arose by chance
### sampling from a population (or populations) where the population
### alpha values are the same